After all. Guatemala decides ... #GeneralElectionsGuate Virtual model and premilinar of the electoral ballot for presidential candidates. It should be noted that the figure of Edwin Escobar and Maurio Ranford no longer appear by legal order. Photo: Prensa Libre, Juan Jose Garrido The general elections in Guatemala will take place next Sunday, June 16, where 19 political organizations competing for the presidency of the republic will participate. The electoral elections arrive to their date after an electoral political panorama agitated by the resolutions issued by the Constitutional Court -CC- that left out several presidential binomials. Two of the organizations that represented the closest competition between the National Unity of Hope party -UNE-, led by former first lady Sandra Torres, who leads the polls; They were out of contention after the CC dictated against them. The candidacy of Zury Ríos (daughter of former head of state, Efraín Ríos Mont), promoted by the...